An owl’s letter

Today, despite waking up at 5am (after sleeping at 10pm) and waking up to cough and a bit of colds, I found to my delight that I had FINALLY received my Pottermore email. After days and weeks of praying that I’d finally receive my email (especially after everyone said you had to get 3 emails, and I had gotten my first email about a month ago), I opened my email inbox and found the words Pottermore etched out unto the screen.

I remember I was in China when I first found out about Pottermore and how it’s suppose to be this interactive game of some kind. Being the gamer geek and Harry Potter fan that I was, me and my roommate were so excited while we watched the trailers and videos and sneak peeks. Due to unforseen circumstances last month in reference to the beta-testing, I wasn’t able to get a hold of an account. Luckily for me, my good friend Angela was able to spare me an account.

And now we get to today. And the mail that an imaginary owl has just delivered.

For now, I am beyond ecstatic to try out what Pottermore has in store. I’ll be sharing bits of information (in lieu of my account) that I’ve encountered so far. If you haven’t begun beta-testing yet, or if you have yet to receive your email, I suggest you turn back unless you want to spoil the fun of discovering the Pottermore world for yourself.

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